21 July

Let's Investigate

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Let's Investigate Event

‘Let’s investigate’ event is the name given to 'Debate Competition'.We understand that any debate means investigating or probing a point deeper so that the truth or reality emerges. It is an endeavour to examine specifictopics respectfully and dignifiedly with evidence and factual support.But we see a negative image of debate in the media.

Three categories were formed:

Grade 5 & 6

Grade 7 & 8

Grade 9 & 10

In each category, the students were allowed to choose their partner from the pair Grade either in favour of or against the motion. They were given a range of topics to choose from. The topics selected for the 1st round were all concerned with factors affecting their student life.The topics selected for the 2nd round were all generally concerned with life.

The topics decided for the first round were as follows: 

¬ Grade 5-6

Topic: Should Grade 5&6 students use smartphones? 

¬ Grade 7-8

Topic: Should junior youth (aged between 12 and 15 years old) decide for themselves or should others decide for them?

¬ Grade 9-10

Topic: Can online support/ resources replace study in school for the Board and other competitive exams?

The topics decided for the final round were:

¬ Grade 5-6

Topic: Can money buy real happiness?

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¬ Grade 7-8

Topic: One person can make a real difference. 

¬ Grade 9-10

Topic: Space exploration is a waste of money.

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The rubrics set by a panel also included points for being respectful towards others’ points of view.

The interested students selected their partners from their Grade category. The first knock-out round was conducted on 19th July, 2023. The final round was held in the assembly hall on 21st July 2023.

Based on the strength of arguments and their relevance, references,data, articulation and time management, the winning pairs were selected by our jury who were awarded with a trophy and a certificate. 

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