
Primary Programs


Grades: 1, 2, 3 ,4, and 5

Teaching Approach


Working on the premise that students construct their own learning and understanding of the world through interactions with the environment and other individuals, much emphasis is placed on engaging students in rich learning experiences and providing abundant opportunities for social interactions between peers. In order to encourage such collaborative learning, teachers are trained and encouraged to involve students in discussions and class-work in small-groups of 5 to 7 students each, throughout their school day.


At Brilliant Stars School, we believe that learning should be for understanding and not merely for performance on standardized tests. Our teachers are trained to engage students in learning experiences and assessments that help develop their higher order and critical thinking skills, rather than focus solely on memorization and recitation.


Our core curriculum is based on the standards and guidelines prescribed by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) in India. However, every effort is made to incorporate its delivery through inquiry and problem-solving based activities. Additionally, in order for students to gain a complete understanding of the various subjects and their relevance to the ‘real world’, it is critical to draw out the inherent interconnections between them and thus approach their study in a cross-curricular manner. Keeping this in mind, and conscious of the harmful consequences of an excessively formal education, Brilliant Stars School is working towards creating a developmentally appropriate model balanced in its employment of formal study and project work.


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